I really like this! Please keep posting music!
I really like this! Please keep posting music!
LOOOOOOVE! SO SMOOTH! Just wish it had more of a bridge and came back for another hook ;)
I don't know what genre this is but I really like it. Would be great with a cool music video too!
That brass really adds a lot. You didn't happen to do that in Serum? If so, we may be using the same preset lol
Brooo I love this. Just added to my youtube playlist. What would really take this from a 4 to a 5 is if you had vocals on it.
This could be really cool as soundtrack music. A couple notes.
1. That background synth (bass/humming thing?) is really overwhelming the mix the in the 200-500hz range. If you EQ that down a tad, I think that'd go a long way.
2. That plucking (guitar?) there are couple chords that sound off and aren't landing right (@1:06 and 1:28 and 1:36, 1:37)
If you play around with those two things, you'd take it from a 3.5 to a 4.
But otherwise, really cool and moody atmosphere.
Thx for the advice, I’ll be sure to fix the chords and volume as well as in a later song :) I’ll probably shout you out too
I really like it's just missing two things:
1. That one beep noise is a little too loud
2. It would benefit from some vocals
Thanks for your feedback, glad you liked the song :)
1. I assume you are talking about the melody in the second part of the song. That sound is indeed fairly high pitched and loud but I personally like that it kind of rises over the rest of the mix and plays its own thing for a bit. It just felt right to have the melody kind of independent from the rest of the track. But hey, that's my personal preference and you are completely allowed to have your own.
2. In the almost 10 years I've been making music I have never used vocals. I am way more comfortable expressing myself through sound design and instruments and I don't like my singing voice so I can confidentially say that the song would have probably been worse had I put vocals in. But hey, the stems are available in the song description, if you want to add some to prove me wrong you'd be more than welcome to do that :D
I like it, but where's the rest of the song?
I really like the sound and chord progression. I would note that high pitched lead synth could use some modification. It's a little repetitive and too prominent at times. It could benefit from either going in and out or changing pace. Just shake it up a bit. Otherwise, good composition and good mixing.
Thanks for the review, I'll keep it in mind for future projects :)
Dicsord: ininept#3668
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Tiktok: @fastlaneproductio
Age 30, Male
Salesforce Admin
University of Dallas
Joined on 11/24/11