Sick beat, but maybe pull back on the distortion just a tad. But that sample or synth or whatever it is, is great.
Sick beat, but maybe pull back on the distortion just a tad. But that sample or synth or whatever it is, is great.
It be a synth! Thank you
I really like the composition.
One small thing, and maybe it's just me, but there seems to be some high tone on the kick that's a bit too ear piercing on headphones, and then on speakers it doesn't have enough punch because how high it is. Maybe EQ the tone for the kick a little lower. Just a thought.
Otherwise, great track,
Straight vibes! I could dance to this in a club, especially if you got some singer/rapper over it.
You've got some great production here so props for that.
However, pull back on the vocal filtering effect you've got going on. I can see you're going for stylization there (and some vocoding is fine), but if you don't have it precise enough, it doesn't work. The effect you have going on here is causing the notes to mesh together too much and result in an ugly sound in an unintentional way. But honestly, if you improved that one thing, I think this would be a mainstream style bop.
Oooooh yesss love it. Mind if I use it in a video?
Hey, you can do what you want)
The composition is very exciting, HOWEVER, this really suffers from the mix in a couple ways. One, the instruments don't seem to be very separated by EQ. If you're going to use piano, it is imperative you utilize EQ. Second issue, the drum loop is a bit corny and given your composition, I know for a fact you could make something more interesting that is less repetitive.
But again, the composition is good.
Bruh put some lyrics on it.
It is truly lit, family. Minus half star for mix on the kick drum. Can I use your beat? I'll just be posting to NG. Obvi I'll credit you.
send me a message
It's very pretty. I could picture it in a movie. The one thing I think would really help would be to "slow down" the "solo" strings sections like at 1:56 for example. The 4th cord (not a 4 chord) from the timestamp seemed a little rushed. Otherwise, very pretty composition and style.
If you don't mind me asking, what programs/synths do you use for the orchestral stuff?
Haha I’m using new software to make music and I overlooked tempo changes because I’m still adjusting. Oops! I usually drag out a few chords at the end of important phrases. The orchestral stuff is a few sample libraries rather than synths
Dicsord: ininept#3668
Snapchat: ininept
Tiktok: @fastlaneproductio
Age 30, Male
Salesforce Admin
University of Dallas
Joined on 11/24/11